Dedicated to improving people’s lives

Our leadership in essential plasma-derived medicines enable patients with rare and chronic diseases – sometimes life-threatening – to lead healthier lives. They often have no alternative treatments. We produce our lifesaving medicines, made from plasma proteins, thanks to the generosity of donors who entrust their donations to our growing global network of donor centers, the world’s largest.

Grifols is also a leader in transfusion medicine, helping ensure the safety of the world’s blood supply. In addition, we provide biological materials, including plasma, for life-science research and further manufacturing, and the company has a comprehensive portfolio of tools, information and services that enable hospitals to efficiently deliver medical care.

The company’s more than 23,800 employees, based in more than 30 countries and regions, work to provide our trusted products and services as part of a sustainable business model in more than 110 markets.

Our focus on patient needs, together with our growing and deep knowledge of plasma science, enables us to continue researching and developing innovative biopharmaceutical therapies and diagnostic and healthcare solutions that help people enjoy healthier, more fulfilling lives.



donation centers



testing laboratories




Discover what we do

Gold-standard Engineering

As Grifols grew into a global plasma leader over the last 50 years, the company became increasingly known for its industrial excellence, with advanced machinery, robotics and equipment for highly sophisticated and efficient manufacturing operations.

Grifols Engineering designs and builds the company’s global production facilities, continuously setting industry standards for precision performance, sustainability and outstanding quality. Its singular excellence draws on Grifols’ commitment to continuous innovation.

Such is its reputation that Grifols Engineering provides its services to the wider biopharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors.


Grifols product portfolio

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