Protecting the planet
Caring about people also means paying attention to the environment where they live. As a company, we are committed to minimizing our environmental footprint as well as fighting climate change.
Aligned with the United Nations plan to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals defined in its 2030 Agenda, we have set six very ambitious commitments to help preserve our natural surroundings.

We recently made our own targets more aggressive to accelerate our transition to a low-carbon economy. Grifols is striving to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

Climate action
Our Climate Action Policy establishes our commitments and priority lines of action to address this climate emergency.
Among the most relevant actions is increasing the use of electricity from renewable sources, having built three photovoltaic plants to power our own facilities, in addition to signing a 10-year agreement to purchase solar energy in Spain. We are also working on additional green-energy agreements in other countries, including the U.S.
We're optimizing our industrial processes, such as using more efficient equipment to refrigerate our production facilities, applying artificial intelligence to automate and control air conditioning systems, and replacing refrigerant gases with natural ones that are more environmentally friendly.
Our newest buildings are constructed and certified under the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and Green Globes standards.
Grifols participates annually in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a program that evaluates corporate strategies and performance on climate change.

Circular economy
Through the application of eco-design and circular economy measures, we prioritize the efficient use of material resources and water and energy, as well as minimize waste and facilitate recovery, taking into account the different life-cycle stages of our products and services. Some of the most significant examples of our circular economy include eco-efficiency measures in all new projects, recycling and reusing more than 10,000 tons of ethanol yearly in our production processes and reducing water consumption throughout production.
Grifols was the first pharma company in the U.S. to receive Zero Waste to Landfill UL validation.

In Clayton, N.C., Grifols owns more than 300 acres (121 hectares) of protected forest adjacent to its production facilities, which includes eight walking trails and is home to more than 300 plant and animal species. The area has been granted GOLD conservation certification through the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) in recognition of our efforts to protect biodiversity through programs for bluebirds, bats and pollinators, among others.
In Spain, through an agreement with the Rivus Foundation, we participate in a program to restore river paths, improve biodiversity and study mammals and fish in the Besòs riverbed.
Find out more about our commitment to promote, protect and restore biodiversity in our Biodiversity Policy.
Environmental management
Grifols established a corporate environmental management system based on the international standard ISO 14001 to monitor compliance with environmental regulations. This includes setting pollution-prevention measures and objectives for continuous improvement. Our 11 environmental committees worldwide ensure the correct implementation of the system and the enhancement of environmental performance. Currently, more than 74% of our production is manufactured in ISO 14001-certified plants, acknowledging the highest environmental management standards.
Our corporate Environmental Policy and Energy Policy stress the importance of sustainable resource use and waste management through eco-efficiency and circular economy measures, as well as the reduction of atmospheric emissions. Grifols' environmental goals for 2023-2026 are defined in its Corporate Environmental Program.
Following the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Grifols also reports the most relevant climate risks and opportunities related to its business (see report).
The company's broader sustainability efforts are highlighted in the Integrated and Sustainability Annual Report.
For more information, please contact us at medioambiente@grifols.com.

As part of our longstanding and ongoing commitment to people and the planet we all inhabit, we are working to ensure Grifols consumes and produces sustainably while also taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
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Impact on society
Grifols, we are people helping people. Each of us contributes to fulfill our mission of improving people's health and well-being.
Ethical Leadership
Our core values and ethical standards are part of our DNA. At Grifols, our sustainable business model is based on continuous innovation, quality, safety and ethical leadership.
Sustainability reports
We publish detailed information on our financial and operational performance, innovation, corporate governance, and environmental and social stewardship.
Our commitment to sustainability
Grifols' longstanding commitment to people and the planet entails helping society on all fronts by strengthening our positive social, economic and environmental impacts.