Desde hace más de 100 años Grifols mira hacia el futuro, comprometida con impulsar el continuo crecimiento de manera sostenible y ética. Estamos convencidos de que solo los resultados obtenidos con integridad, rigor y honestidad hacen que el valor que generamos para los pacientes y para la sociedad vaya más allá del beneficio económico.

Conoce nuestros avances

Informe de Gestión de Riesgos y Oportunidades Relacionadas con el Cambio Climático 2023

Declaración de Esclavitud Moderna y Transparencia en la Cadena de Suministro 2023

Nuestros esfuerzos en sostenibilidad son reconocidos internacionalmente




Grifols ranked number one biotech company in the Dow Jones Best-in-Class Indices (formerly known as DJSI) in its fifth straight year of inclusion in these prestigious indices. This recognition comes as the company achieved its highest-ever S&P Global Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) score, with a rating of 70 points.




Grifols has been awarded a Gold Medal by EcoVadis for the second consecutive year. Achieving a score of 77, ranking among the top 5%, confirms our commitment to sustainability and our position as a leading company in this area.





Grifols participates annually in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a program that evaluates corporate strategies and performance on climate change and water security.




Grifols has obtained the Prime badge in the ISS ESG corporate rating, which places us as a leading company in our peer industry group.




Grifols is one of the best rated companies by Sustainalytics for our low ESG risk rating.




Since 2018, Grifols has been a constituent of the FTSE4Good Index which identifies companies that demonstrate strong ESG practices measured according to globally recognized standards.




In 2024, Grifols received a BBB rating in the MSCI ESG Ratings assessment.

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