Grifols Saudi Arabia

Grifols International, S.A., Representation Office (Technical Scientific Office) for Saudi Arabia was established in 2019. Based in Riyadh, it covers the Saudi Arabian market.

We offer a comprehensive portfolio of Grifols products and services. Safety and quality are our top priorities as we deliver on our mission to improve the health and well-being of people around the world.

Grifols Saudi Arabia

Grifols International, S.A., Representation Office (Technical Scientific Office) for Saudi Arabia
Leaders Tower 2
8000 King Fahd Road - Al Olaya District,
Unit nº 26
Riyadh 12333-4055,

Contact information
Tel.: +966 11 218 0006

Notification of adverse reactions
To report an adverse drug reaction click here



جریفولز انترناشیونال اس اي (المكتب العلمي الفني) للمملكة
العربیة السعودیة

برج القادة 2
8000 طریق الملك فھد - حي العلیا
الوحدة رقم 26
4055- الریاض 12333
المملكة العربیة السعودیة

معلومات التواصل
0006 11218 الھاتف: + 966 : البريد

إشعار عن الأعراض الجانبیة
للإبلاغ عن الأعراض الجانبیة انقر ھنا



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Data protection information
Data controller: The Grifols’ group company to which you submit the request. Purpose: To manage your requests of information, suggestions and/or queries. Legal basis: Legitimate interest. Recipients: Grifols’ group companies, Other third parties. Rights: To access, rectify and erase personal data, as well as other rights detailed in the additional information section. Additional information: For additional information on personal data protection check here.


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