Proxy appointment

The computer applications for proxy appointment and vote through electronic means  will be operative from June 10, 2024 at 00:00:01 hours CET until the day in which the General Shareholders' Meeting is to be held in June 14, 2024, on second call.

Class A Shareholders

Class B Shareholders

The shareholders may confer their representation, in particular for the Meeting object of this announcement, via the following means of distance communication:

  • Via postal correspondence, by means of sending the corresponding section of the attendance card duly signed, indicating the name and identity card of the person represented; and
  • Via electronic means of communication, through the Company's web, provided that the electronic document according to which the delegation is formalized incorporates a recognized electronic signature, in agreement with stipulations in the Law on Electronic Signatures, or when accepted as valid by the Board of Directors.

The distance delegation shall not be valid if it is not received within at least five (5) days in advance of the date foreseen for the meeting to be held.

The Company reserves the right to modify, suspend, cancel or restrict the electronic delegation mechanisms for technical or security reasons. Likewise, the Company reserves the right to request from the shareholders additional means of identification that it considers appropriate to guarantee the identity of the attendees, the authenticity of the delegation and, in general, the legal security for holding the General Meeting.

The Company shall not be liable for the damages that may be caused to the shareholder from the lack of availability or correct functioning of its web site and from its services or contents as a result of breakdowns, overloading, off-lines, faults in the connection or any other contingency of like or similar nature, beyond the will of the Company, that prevents the use of the electronic delegation mechanisms.