
Industry interactions with the medical profession have a profound and positive influence in patient treatment and on the value of research. As primary providers of healthcare services, both healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations, offer us unique, independent insights and expert knowledge on patients' behavior and management of diseases. The capacity of gaining access to this expertise, plays a critical role in informing and guiding industry efforts to improve the quality of patient care and treatment options. And this is why both, healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations, should be fairly compensated for their contributions as well as for the services they provide to the industry.

Industry interactions with healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations should not only be conducted with integrity but should also be transparent. Therefore, we fully support and have voluntarily adopted the principles reflected in the Disclosure chapter in the EFPIA Code of Practice, additionally to the Disclosure Guidelines of MedTech Europe, which we follow as members. Likewise, we will continue to support any other country codes which promulgate transparency reporting.

Based on the EFPIA and MedTech Europe codes, Grifols publishes the Methodological Note, as well as the country-specific reports of transfers of value made by Grifols to healthcare professionals and healthcare organizations corresponding to the reporting periods 2021, 2022 and 2023.

Anti-Corruption Policy

The Anti-Corruption Policy provides guidance to directors, employees and governing bodies of Grifols S.A. and all subsidiaries and affiliates around the world, as well as to third parties (such as defined within the Policy), on appropriate standards of conduct for interactions with government officials and other identified private individuals.

Adhering to the highest standards

Ethics and compliance

Health and safety

A healthy and hazard-free place to work forms part of Grifols' commitment to its employees, as set forth in the company's health and safety policy. This policy focuses on constantly applying the strictest health and safety and accident prevention criteria in the workplace. Health and safety activity is systematically carried out in accordance with the Health and Safety scheme included in the management program.

Ethics and compliance

Grifols occupational health and safety policy guarantees that all the group companies in Spain, international subsidiaries, and collaborating companies carry out their activities in compliance with the regulations, rules, and provisions applicable in each different country according to national legislation and in compliance with Grifols' own safety standards.

Adhering to the highest standards