Grifols Pharmaceutical Technology (Shanghai) Co. Ltd
Grifols China representative office was established in 2010 and obtained the trading license as Grifols Pharmaceutical Technology (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. In 2016. Based in Shanghai, with a branch office in Beijing, we cover mainland China market.
We offer a comprehensive portfolio of Grifols Biopharma and Diagnostic products and services, including Human Albumin, Immunohematology and NAT testing products. Safety and quality are our top priorities as we deliver on our mission to improving the health and well-being of people around the world.
Grifols China
Head Office, Shanghai
Floor 11 - Tower 1, Jing An Kerry Centre,
1515 Nanjing Road West,
Shanghai 200040
Contact information
Tel +86-21 6020 1510
Fax + 86-21 6119 9158
Notification of adverse reactions
To report an adverse drug reaction click here
Beijing Office
Unit 01A- 01B-02, 15 Floor, West Tower, Twin Towers B12,
Jianguomenwai Avenue,
Chaoyang District
Beijing 100022
Contact information
Tel. + 86 10 5382 2511
Fax + 86 105382 2520
Local privacy Information
Click here for details
Allgemeine Anfragen
Local privacy information
Additional information to the privacy notices and integral part thereof, when your personal data is processed by any Grifols company in the continental part of the People’s Republic of China
Quality policy
The company’s mission and commitment to quality and stakeholder involvement are outlined in its quality policy statement.